My Bucket list

To be an Olympic swimmer :Because I love swimming. To learn to uses a bow and arrows: Because I really want to try it. To learn haw to ride a horse: Because I love horse. To learn how to play the drums: Because I have always wanted to. T0 be an architect: Because I think I’ll… Continue reading My Bucket list

Fort York

Soldiers Soldiers unlike officers lived in normal rooms but with 16 bunk beds. If one of the soldiers were married they shared a bunk with their wives and their under 13 year olds children normally slept in the other bunk.  The bunks were 2 beds per top bunk and 2 beds per bottom bunk. There… Continue reading Fort York


Recycling doesn’t seem to important but it’s important. There are things like coffee cups that say they’re recyclable but aren’t. Garbage goes to landfills when recycling goes to a recycling  plant.    Make sure you recycle.  It is important!


If I had 3 wishes I would wish for: world happiness because in some of  the world lots of people are living miserable lives . To be able to see pets again because one died and the other moved away  and for my lasts wish I would stop all the animals in the world from going extinct.